Original Watercolor Painting by Carol Levin

Julie Savary Sproul

The residents of Mussey Grade Road fondly remember our friend and neighbor, Juliette Savary Sproul pictured here with her husband Fred Sproul. She died on Good Friday, March 29, 2002. She was an example of dedication and care which we will all strive to live up to on Mussey Grade. She taught kindergarden through eighth grades for thirty years. She held a masters degree in human development from Pacific Oaks College. She served as chair of the Peace and Environment Committee of the San Diego Association for the Education of Young Children. She was a master gardener and a master tracker. She helped establish the Mt. Woodson Wildlife Trackers. She was actively involved in the Mussey Grade Road Alliance helping to preserve our habitat and animals. We will fondly remember all her love and encouragement as we grow native oaks along the grade in her honor.

Forty Live Oak trees were planted in honor of our friend and neighbor Julie Savary Sproul. Custom watercolor oak at top of page and held here by Diane Conklin was painted by Carol Levin. Carol made this watercolor gift for Fred as a card signed by Mussey Grade Road friends and neighbors.

Fondly we remember our friend and neighbor, Ann Bowen Varnado. Mussey Grade celebrated her passing on March 21, 2003 - her favorite day of the year, the spring equinox. Ann worked in structural engineering and for SDG&E as an electric designer, but her real contributions to this world came from her deep appreciation and quiet respect for the natural world which she politically and financially supported. She volunteered many hours at Ramona schools, 4-H, United States Pony Club, Project Wildlife, Mussey Grade Road Alliance and the Ramona Tree Trust. She worked to replant and care for the trees along Ramona's colonnade. She had two daughters and five grandchildren, and her daughter- Chi shares this thought that Ann's many friends also feel. "Many things that we encounter in the natural world remind us of her: blades of grass, trickling streams, and the breeze blowing through the leaves of the towering trees. We know that she will be forever in our hearts." Diane Conklin spoke for us all when she shared, "Ann is in my blood. In photographs she took and printed to record our history and our loveliness. In the monthly minutes of the Ramona Tree Trust which she religiously recorded. In the water tank she provided for watering our new trees in town. In the presentations she- she who did not relish the limelight- made to the Ramona Planning Group and the Board of Supervisors on behalf of our historic and beloved Mussey Grade." The Ramona Tree Trust has mapped out 25 trees to plant in downtown Ramona and Ann's co-workers will honor her and her memory as they plant and care for them.

Ann Bowen Varnado

Ann's Poem

Caring and sharing
are close to my heart.
Nature and earth form the stream of my life,
and the essence of sunshine is harmony.

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Contact dj0conklin@earthlink.net

Special thanks to Ann Varnado for her photography. All images on this page are the property of The Mussey Grade Road Alliance and may not be used without permission.